I love to read. I always have. There's just something about a new book, isn't there? There's something, indeed, magical when you crack open a book for the very first time. The fresh white pages just waiting to be absorbed. I remember LOVING the smells of the library when I was a kid. Albeit weird, I always loved (and admittedly still love) the smell of old, used books.
While on vacation with my mom and Chloe earlier this month, I found a gem I'd overlooked before. The SALVATION ARMY! Books for $2 an $3! Good books. Books in good condition. I even amazed myself that I was able to locate such great finds for so cheap. (Bargain shopping has never been my forte. And I mean that.) I believe Chloe and I walked out with 13 books that afternoon having spent only $31! I was pretty happy! And ready for some serious reading. ;)
Here's what I'm currently reading:
One In A Million, by Priscilla Shirer
Discerning The Voice of God, by Priscilla Shirer
It, by Craig Groeschell
The Life You've Always Wanted, by John Ortberg
Live Big (10 life coaching tips for living large, passionate dreams), by Katie Brazelton
A Perfect Mess, by Lisa Harper
The Grace of God, by Andy Stanley
The Power of Patience, by M.J. Ryan
Other things I'm LOVING right now:
Jesus Calling (Devotional book), by Sarah Young
Promises to Pray Over Your Children (Prayer book), by Roy Lessin
90 Days with David (Devotional book), by Beth Moore
The One Year Mother Daughter Devo, by Dannah Gresch
The McArthur Bible Commentary
The Esther Bible Study, by Beth Moore
Blogs and websites that inspire me:
Perry Noble (pastor of Newspring Church in Anderson, S.C.)
Steven Furtick (pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, N.C.)
Living Proof Ministries (Beth Moore's blog)
Going Beyond Ministries (Priscilla Shirer's ministry blog)
Lysa TerKeurst (President of Proverbs 31 Ministries blog)
Renee Swope (Co-speaker of Proverbs 31 Ministries radio show)
Bring The Rain (Angie Smith's blog. Angie has an AMAZING story - you must visit her blog!)
In the Name of Love (Writer and speaker, Biana Juarez's blog)
A Holy Experience (Ann Voskamps, author of One Thousand Gifts, blog)
(in)courage (Home for the hearts of women blog)
BibleGateway (An online bible resource)
My personal Prayer Journal
If you don't have one - I encourage you to get one. Mine is NOT fancy. It's a basic spiral. But I absolutely love it! Every day I write in it things I am praying about. It's a great resource for me to look back on to see times when God answered prayer and times He was speaking to me through my prayer time. Make sure to date each entry so you can look back and see the times God was working in your life.
My personal Gratitude Journal
Inspired by this book, I am on my way to listing 1,000 things I am grateful for. I'm telling you - if you want to incorporate a discipline that will change the way you see every day living - this is something you HAVE to try! It's hard to be upset and disappointed when you are consistently on the hunt for things that you are thankful for. By the way - I'm on #148.
The version of the bible that I prefer these days is the NLT. Very simple to understand. A second runner up would be the NIV. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the Message bible and invested in a side-by-side parallel (NIV/Message) bible last year. It's a great all-in-one that has become a regular go-to for me.
There it is. Not all of it, but a pretty good list of what I'm into right now and what's growing, molding and shaping me.
I'd LOVE to hear what you're reading and what you're inspired by! Leave a comment and share in our community!
Don't just be blessed today... be a blessing!
Finding JOY in the JOurneY,