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I heard a song the other day that made me think about this. What if the walls of my house could speak. What would they say?
I'd like to say that all they've heard is good stuff. You know - love, joy, happiness and laughter. But I know that's not the case. They've seen some hard stuff. Some not so pleasant stuff. Some stuff I'd rather forget about. But they do hold years of memories. I wonder... what WOULD these walls of my house say if they could speak? Would they remember...
the time Chloe broke her arm when she was just two years old. How she was so brave and barely cried at all.
the year Chloe turned two and we had that HUGE birthday party for her. A circus theme with a jumpy, a water slide, a tent and more food than we knew what to do with.
our first Christmas in our new house with no furniture just our large Christmas tree sitting in the middle of the room. Gosh that was a special Christmas!
the time when Buddy got sprayed by a skunk and it took WEEKS to get rid of the horrific odor in our house!!
rooms filled with laughter.
the slumber parties and sleepovers.
the call I received on that Sunday morning informing me that one of my best friends was in CCU following a brain aneurysm and was fighting for her life... the days following the loss of my sweet friend. A triplet. Taken too soon. The tears flowing.
a sick little girl throwing up at 2 a.m. following an undigested meal of shrimp scampi!
the summer Chloe learned to ride a bike.
family Christmases and Thanksgivings. Overcooked turkeys and sprinkles from sugar cookies. My grandmas recipe.
And what about a sick father taking his last breaths of life after a long and courageous battle with cancer. A wife grieving for the man she so desperately loved and feeling overwhelmed by the reality of a future without him.
The good times. The laughter. The hard times. The tears. The hard work. The long days. The sweat. The pain. The sickness. The healing. The forgiving. The mess. The joy. Our life. Oh what these walls have seen! And heard!
You see - - these are the best years of our lives and we don't even realize it! THESE are the good times. These are the times to be cherished. And we're missing it... if we're not paying close enough attention. If we blink, we might miss the stuff that makes our lives so... special. Rich. Vibrant. Colorful.
Can we learn more about how to pay attention? Living... real living.. is in the small things. The HERE and NOW. Breathe deep. Take it all in. One day we'll look back and wish we could be back... HERE.
What would your walls say?
Finding JOY in the JOurneY,
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