I know I keep saying it over and over - but this book has literally changed my life. Honestly, Ann is, by far, one of the most amazing authors I have ever had the privilege to read!
Ann was interviewed recently on 100 Huntley Street and here's what she says about her book. I hope you enJOY! (Note: you'll need to scroll to the bottom to pause my playlist before watching.) :)
"He {God} wants us to live abundantly. He doesn't want us to just survive, He wants us to thrive. Not to just meet Him, but to enjoy Him moment by moment."
"God is always good and I am always loved."
"If God is everywhere, beauty has to be everywhere."
I love her comparison to our model, Jesus. Who, when faced with the certainly of death - chose to GIVE THANKS by breaking the bread and sharing it with His disciples. (Luke 22)
It's about choosing to give THANKS right where you are - for whatever God gives.
Remember, God is always good and I am always loved!
Can we pause long enough to see the beauty in our every day lives? The beauty in this mess. The joy in the moment.
My list? I'm on 111. My journey of choosing to SEE the beauty around me and considering it pure JOY. Taking the ugly in this world and finding the beauty... that's where God is! That's where real living is. That's what living FULL is all about.
You can get your copy here or here.
Will you join me on the JOURNEY of GRATITUDE?
Finding JOY in the JOurneY,
I am working on my list but haven't read the book....just getting the general idea from your blog posts :)
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