Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ramblings (and other useless information)!

Hello blog world! I know, I know... I haven't been too consistent lately in my blogging. I wish I could write every day - - but I am close enough to my goal of 3 times per week. :)

So - - here are some ramblings of things that have been going on in my world as of late...

  • Sunday evening I finished all FIVE of my daughters classroom baskets for the all-school auction coming up this Saturday, October 20 at her school. Wow! That was an undertaking! I agreed to lead the charge for the five baskets donated by the parents of Chloe's second grade classroom. What a job that was! But they did turn out nice, I have to say. We did 5 themed baskets that will be auctioned off this Saturday. The themes we did are, 1.) Bath Time Fun Basket, 2.) Baker's Basket, 3.) College Exam-Cram Care Basket, 4.) Boredom Busters Basket and 5.) Half Time Snacks Basket. If you're planning to attend the auction, now bid generously! :) They are WORTH it!
  • I am preparing for my niece's baby shower this coming Saturday, October 20 at my house! Wow! Yes - another big project I'm leading the charge of. It will be exciting! She is having a boy (Jayvian) sometime in November. :) First baby and YES - this will make me a Great Aunt for the SECOND time! I feel so old!
  • I'm just getting over what I think was a touch of the flu. YUCK! There's nothing worse than being sick! Makes you SO appreciate the times you feel good! Thank you, God, for my health!
  • Remember my blog on "Conversations" where I talked about interviewing someone to work the What's Happening Center at church on Sundays? She joined the team! I am so excited! She's going to add so much energy to the team! Welcome aboard, Lisa! :)
  • The staff at Crossroads is reading this book right now. It's a good one so far! We've actually gone through most all of Lencioni's books! If you haven't read any of them - I highly recommend them!
  • Project Share is well under way, Crossroaders! Keep your eyes and ears open for more info coming soon! This will be an AWESOME project and a great way to contribute to the needs in our county! Stay tuned for more...
  • Chloe has a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon. Pray for her! This will be her third visit in a month. The problem is - she has teeth coming in at a rapid speed, but she's not losing them quite as quickly! Last time we were there she had to have a filling and a baby tooth removed to make room for the new one popping out. Tomorrow she will need to have another tooth pulled on the other side of her mouth! Let's just say - she's not too happy about that! She doesn't mind the work they do - she just hates to be numbed. Who really enjoys that anyway? Her biggest worry: How will I be able to eat? Oh - she's her mommas child indeed!
  • We visited one of my favorite stores on the planet this past weekend. I SO miss going to this place! I couldn't go there enough when Chloe was a baby! Stuff's a little pricey - but just being in there made me yearn for another little one!
  • Can I just say that I have the best husband in the world! When I was down sick the other day, he went to Kohl's and bought me new bedding for our bed! It's a set we had been admiring the weekend before. When I was sleeping, he snuck out to Kohl's to buy it and then came home and put it on the bed. It looked picture picture when I woke up! I think he's a keeper!
  • Chloe takes gymnastics every Wednesday night at Maple City Gymnastics. She loves it! I must admit though, she is not the best one in her class. As a matter of fact, I was a little frightened the first couple of times that she might be in a too far advanced class, but I think she's catching on. It's been a while since she was in gymnastics and so, getting used to things again was a little challenging. It's super-fun to watch, her, though, and I really believe it's building self-confidence!