Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sunshine and Flowers and Love... oh my!

Well, this weekend I was honored to help my friend, Faythe, with her debut "official" wedding of her Wedding Consultant business! It was the PERFECT day for a wedding, let me just tell you! It was a balmy 75 degrees, sunny and absolutely gorgeous!

My role was "Wedding Consultant Assistant" and boy - what fun I had! It was truly a great time and I thank Faythe (and Joy and Josh) for allowing me to serve in a role that felt so natural to me! I LOVE event planning and organizing and coordinating - so this whole "assistant" role was right up my alley! Faythe... I will be waiting for my next 'job' soon! (Just don't torture me again by making me stand RIGHT next to a chocolate fondue fountain!!)

Oh - and I need to mention the fact that I even purchased (AND WORE) a dress for the event! I couldn't tell you when the last time was that I wore a dress - but it was nice! My husband even gave me a little whistle when I left... now how cool is that? Maybe I am missing the boat by not wearing dresses more often!

So, here's where I give my sista' a free plug....

Faythe Emens
Wedding Consultant Extraordinaire
(okay, those were my words not hers)
For the wedding of your dreams.... call 902-xx45
(okay - actually just respond here and I will give her YOUR number)
(hold your applause... faythe, you can pay me later for that!)




I am sooo jealous! I love doing all that too! Hey,,,how about filling nacho bowls,,,would you be that excited????

Faythe Emens

Okay, so I'm a little behind on my blog reading since I'm just now reading this one.
Thanks so much for your help! We'll definitely do this again!