A few weeks back I ran across one of Beth's videos posted on youtube and it hit me to the CORE. It's entitled "Loving Difficult People". I don't know if I'm the ONLY one out there who's ever dealt with this kind of thing before - but I knew the moment I found it that God was trying to speak to me.
This world is filled with difficult, unlovely people. People who hurt us with their words, people who drive us crazy by their negativity, and people who have left us drained and empty from their bitterness. It never fails... just when I think I've discovered freedom from the scars they've left, another attack comes... sometimes harsher than the one before it.
My prayer is that someone else out there besides me has been in this same situation before and will be blessed by Beth's teaching on Loving Difficult People. Below are some of the key points of her video sessions including scriptures. I have also attached the link to these video sessions below - please note there are 6 total sessions each approximately 8 minutes in length. If you've struggled in this area, I pray that you will take some time this week to listen to these sessions. Let's learn together about what God has to say about how to deal with these difficult people...
Loving Difficult People - Beth Moore {Life Today}
Do you have that kind of person who has such a negative and critical spirit that leaves you so frustrated and so empty that when you leave you just have to go each some Mexican food?
The people who drive you crazy the most are the people we are challenged to be around often or it wouldn't drive us so crazy!
Who is your THORNY?
The most effective things we could do to become healthy people in Christ is to let people off the hook for failing to be God. They will fail us over and over and over again but they'll never fail us as often if we just let them be man... only God can love like God.
God IS love - it's party of WHAT He is - it's IN His DNA. To have God not love us one day in our minds is to say "God isn't God today"... because love is what God is!
We need to say to ourselves... I love ________ because God first loved me. (1 John 4:19)
I can be so certain of God's love that I am freed up to love who does not love me back because I've already been loved back by God.
You've got to know your significant before you ever even walk out the door!
We can love people who can give us back nothing because God gives us everything.
God never calls us to love blind... biblical love is love with a smart heart.
Sometimes the people who hurt us the most had no idea how much that was gonna hurt.
1.) Know and rely on the love God has for us. (1 John 4:7-21)
2.) Learn to love with God's love. (Romans 5:5)
3.) Learn to love with insight. (Phil 1:9-11)
Ask God to tell you what's happened to them and give you compassion for what they are going through.
Let God deal with our stuff!
Is there a possibility that the person who nearly kills us to love is used by God to kill something in us to love? (It turns up the heat to reveal all our sin in us and skim it off of us!)
We will never look more like our Father in Heaven, then we love the unlovely!
We need to learn to love WELL!
1 John 4:20 "If anyone says, 'I love God' yet hates his brother, is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother whom He has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen."
Thanks for the insight, Wendy. Agreed, Beth Moore is a gift!
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