I do.
I have always been an on-the-go person. Always going. Always moving. Always somewhere to go, someone to call, something to write, a book to read, a meal to make, a snotty nose to wipe, laundry to fold or dishes to do. I even have a hard time sitting in front of the television even if I'm purely exhausted to just sit. And listen.
My sweet husband has the amazing ability to come home and shut down. I don't mean shut down from his family - that's not it at all - but I do mean that once he comes through the door at the end of a hard days work, he can easily decompress and just "be".
I'm not so lucky. My mind's always wandering. Planning. Thinking. If this tells you anything about the way my brain works - I have a notebook in my living room, one in my bedroom, one in my bathroom and SEVERAL in my kitchen - which, by the way, tends to be the place we "hang out in" the most. These "notebooks" are for me to write down the thoughts that are in my head. It may be an errand that I need to make, a birthday card I need to send, a name of a friend who I need to call, email or pray for or even just a random thought that pops in my head for no apparent reason at all!
It's no wonder then that when God tries to get my attention about something... I'm often times "unavailable" to hear His call.
I confessed to someone recently that I struggle (a lot) with the idea of discernment. I'll admit that I'm often envious of people who express their abilities to "hear God". I've heard great women and men of God say things like, "I heard God tell me to ______" or "God has called me to _______". I cheer for them and celebrate with them - but for a number of years have not been able to relate to them.
Until recently.
You see - I decided that if I'm going to hear God, and I don't mean audibly hear Him, although I know He can and does speak this way to many people, if I'm going to really hear Him - then I have to be ready to listen for Him.
I believe God speaks to us through many different ways... through praying, through reading His word are just a couple - but I believe God speaks to us most clearly when we come to Him, prepared to listen and when we are still and quiet. There is so much distraction in our every day lives. So much noise. So many things that are pulling is in one direction or another. But when we decide to carve time out of our days to actively LISTEN to the God that created the universe and allow all other distractions to fade away and be STILL and QUIET... we're going to hear from Him.
I've learned recently that in order for me to FULLY hear what God is trying to communicate to me... I MUST give Him my full attention. So... these are the steps I've taken to prepare myself to hear:
1.) Create a Time
I've carved out a specific time in my day EVERY day to become a listener to what God is saying. To me this means the SAME time every day. A time when I know I will be undisturbed or distracted.
2.) Create a Space
I've dedicated a special place in my home which, for me, creates the ideal environment for receiving a word from God.
3.) Shut off the World Around Me
This is the most important. I turn off all distractions there could possibly be. My cell phone, the T.V., music, the dryer, dishwasher etc. I believe this says to God, "I am ready. I am yours. Let's talk."
I believe God desperately wants to have a conversation with us, but that doesn't mean that we do all the talking. He has things He wants to tell us... we just have to be ready and willing to listen. Really listen. Are you ready to listen? I am!
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