This year's summer vacation was a great time! There's something to be said about 3 people trapped inside of a car for over 1,300 miles! I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as we did on this trip!
The first day was the windy city... Chicago! This was actually an "added" stop in our trip around Lake Michigan. And I have to admit - it was an expensive add-on. But none-the-less, time well spent!
We arrived in Chicago on Sunday, June 29, at around 2. Even at 2 p.m. on a Sunday, traffic was pretty heavy. We later discovered that it was partly due to the fact that the Taste of Chicago was going on right on the water. We contemplated going, but decided that it looked way too chaotic. (Yeah - duh! Everything is chaotic in Chicago!)
First we checked into our hotel - The Hard Rock Hotel. It was nice. It was TALL! Chloe loved being on the 23rd floor! I have to tell you - the most impressive thing about our stay was the bell boy service and the concierge! It was amazing! These men were amazing! Talk about customer service! These guys have been well trained - and they get it!
Following our check-in at the hotel, we decided to make the trip to this place. Chloe would say - this visit made it all worth it!
I am not sure who liked this place better - her or me! I'm not kidding! I was like a little girl all over again! "Get this one, Chloe! Get this one!" I kept saying. It was pretty sad when one time she commented back to me, "Mom, if you want one, you should get one!" :) Sad, I know! But these dolls were amazing (oh, and the prices were amazing too! NOT!) Here's Chloe by some dolls that I wanted.. (:))
(oh my - look at the blue tongue!)
And these ones were cool too!
We ended up with Kit. As in Kit Kittridge... the new movie that's out. Haven't seen it - but I suppose that the doll will be in tow when we do! :)
All-in-all, The American Girl Doll Place was a great experience! And I'm pretty sure we will make regular trips back there in years to come!
Next, following our doll place experience, was the Shedd Aquarium. Pretty neat place! If you haven't been - I suggest a trip out there! Well worth the money you pay for tickets! Unfortunately, the 4-D show was down when we were there - but I hear that's pretty cool, too! We spent about 3 hours at the Aquarium. Saw some amazing fish and turtles and sharks and lizards! My favorite, by FAR, were the Sea Otters and the Penguins (those little guys are amazing!)
Some of the most "curious" experiences about our trip to Chicago were the taxi rides. Unique to say the least. Chloe thought they were pretty "weird" as she later admitted following her inability to breathe due to an "unusual odor" in one of the cabbies! These were experiences.
At about 6:30 p.m. it was off to Fogo De Chao. WOW! For those who follow my on Twitter, I promised an entire post dedicated to my experience here. It's coming! All I will say is that I was certain following dinner here that I would never eat again. I've since re-evaluated this comment, but have decided that if I'm ever blessed to go again, I will fast for 2 days first. :)
At the end of the day, we were exhausted! It was raining and we had a nice night of sleep. GREAT first day!
Day 1 Highlights:
~ Getting off at an exit that advertised a store that no longer existed. :)
~ Hearing Trevor give the GPS lady "the business" when she was improperly directing us!
~ Eating lunch at an old-fashioned drive-up restaurant where they serve you your food on the trays that they attach to your car window.
~ Singing along to the radio with Chloe!
~ The Chubby Trout (gonna have to ask Trevor about that one!)
~ Taxi rides in downtown Chicago!
~ Eating at a Brazilian Steakhouse.
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