It has to go on a diet!
Yes - I was scolded by the Physicians Assistant and told that my bag was "way to heavy" to be carried around!
IN FACT - - the P.A. actually put my purse on the SCALE to be weighed!
7 lbs!
I carry around a 7 lb bag! I couldn't believe it.
BUT - I use everything in there on a regular basis. I'm a mom, for crying out loud, I HAVE to be prepared.
The P.A. wasn't haven't it! She told me to go home and empty the purse out and get rid of all the things I didn't ABSOLUTELY NEED! In fact, she even made Trevor carry it out of the doctors office!
So - - it's a day later and my purse is still not cleaned out.
I'm having a hard time defining "NECESSITY".
Here's a peek inside my bag...

Help! What do I get rid of? Here's just some of the items I'm having a hard time letting go of (because, you never know, right?)...
2 pair of sunglasses
Tylenol Bottle
Excedrin Migraine Bottle
Bayer Bottle
Writing Tablet
Pocket Planner
Chap stick
Tide to Go Pen
Mini Lysol Can
Mini Container of wipes
Cold Sore Treatment
Prescription Meds for Migraines
Ankle Brace
HELLO?? What could I possibly get rid of?
What about you... what's in your purse?
Well... Nothing's in my purse and I get along just fine.
I'd say lose the camera. The iPhone has a camera built in.
Stop eating gas producing foods and you can kick the rolaid habit.
Lose the lysol. Germs have a worse reputation than they deserve. I think we're creating a race of super-germs by using all that stuff on them all the time.
Lose the Tide. A spot on a shirt never killed anyone.
Maybe just keep one painkiller...
Good luck.
I have had that VERY SAME argument with my chiropractor!! So now I keep a bag in the van with all the stuff I "need", sunscreen, wipes, mosquito bite cream, everything. And then I have a smaller bag with my wallet and small needed things like chap stick and Tylenol. It has made a big difference in my back pain, too. Who knew, all those years of med school might make her a little smarter than me. Maybe. :)
Girl...thats not a purse! Its a medical bag! Take everything out of your purse you can't leave in a separate bag in the car. But by ALL means, keep the ankle bracelt with you at all times! :)
I weighed my purse this week in the spirit of this blog post and by golly it was 6.5 pounds. How do I live without all the things in it. I have my WW books, contact solution, meds, lip gloss, mirror, cell phone, calculator, wallet, checkbook, umbrella and others. Must be a girl scout...always be prepared!
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