My BABY turned eight years old on June 27! It is down right crazy to think of her as that old! It doesn't seem possible! I swear to you that it was JUST yesterday that we loaded her up in the car to come home with us for the first time and I wouldn't even let Trevor drive on the highway because "What if we get hit or something?" Now here we are celebrating one more year closer to double digits!!!
For the theme this year, Chloe picked out "Under Water Sea Adventure". How cute was that? We had sea shells and sand, blue and green cupcakes, fish table skirting and some neat birthday gifts for her friends in plastic blue fish cups. :)

We invited 3 friends to join her for a celebration! We started off the evening with a trip to see Wall-E. What a cute movie! If you haven't seen it - I highly recommend it! Then it was off for pizza at Basil Boys in Tecumseh. This was her choice - she loves the bread sticks (so much like her mom). Then it was back home where she opened presents from her friends, ate cupcakes and watched Air Buddies. All was pretty quiet when I went in to check on them at 1 A.M.!! :)
Happy Birthday Chloe Jean! :) We love you so much!

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