Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Am I The Only One Frustrated By This?

Okay - so am I the only one who is bothered by this?

I was at K-Mart today. Okay - it's not my favorite store, but I was looking for some inexpensive shorts for the summer for Chloe (we all know how kids wear shorts out so badly and so quickly in the summer - no need to go to the extra expense if I don't have to.) While I was there, I over heard a conversation that annoyed me. This is the gist of how it went:

K-Mart Employee (to her friend 2 lines down!): "So - did you get that new job yet?"

Friend: "No, I'm still looking. Is this place hiring?"

K-Mart Employee: "I don't know if we are or not."

Friend: "I thought you had received a promotion here at the store."

K-Mart Employee: "I did, but I changed my mind and didn't take it."

Friend: "Oh really."

K-Mart Employee (for MANY customers to hear her): "Yeah - this place really sucks! I am going to _____ down the street (didn't catch the name of where she was going) because they will actually give me the hours I want to work and give me more money."

You know, maybe this makes me so mad because I was once a business owner and cannot imagine having overheard this conversation in my store! I can tell you that if I were the manager/owner of K-Mart and listened to this conversation, I would have gently asked her to come with me, escorted her to the back room and asked her to remove herself from the store immediately. I know, I may be over-reacting, but COME ON! Where is the loyalty here? It would be one thing to speak with another employee about this in private, but once it becomes a public conversation in front of customers, that's when I would end it altogether!

I honestly don't know why I waste my energy being mad over things like this. I know I should just let it go - - but this kind of stuff really gets my blood boiling...



Now days you hear all kinds of unwanted conversations at the
check-outs! Most of the time they are so wrapped up in the conversation they are haveing with someone halfway across the store that they aren't paying attention to what they are doing. That happened to me at Wal-Mart, the girl forgot to give me my change and since I wrote a check they wanted me to wait until the next day. All because the cashier wash talking to someone else on another lane about their illegitimate baby.
Another conversation that should be held in private. Where are the managers when all of this is going on? It's not like everyone can't hear them. I'm with you Wendy.