Thursday, June 16, 2005

Discerning God's Call

Discernment is described in the dictionary as: "The act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment." I am currently in the middle of a great book called 'The Best Question Ever' written by Andy Stanley. It's entire premise surrounds this word - Discernment. Without going too much in detail about the book and THE BEST question ever (which, by the way is a great book that you should read) Andy Stanley gives several illustrations about discernment and how it is essential when trying to decide what is best for us and what God wants for our lives.

Sometimes we try to rationalize with ourselves when we try making decisions that do not line up with the word of God. It is when we fail to truly listen to what God is trying to say to us that we end up regretting poor decisions. It's like I try telling my 4-year old all the time - "Listen to me - I know what is best for you." or "I am telling you no for your own good." Sometimes Chloe knows what is best for her and she makes the wrong decision anyway and it winds up hurting her. Even at 4-years-old she knows what is good and what is right and tries pushing the limits anyway. Don't we do this with God? We KNOW what is right for us and sometimes we think we can make decisions on our own that will be okay for us. But that is just plain foolish. In my bible study this morning I ran across a segment that talked about discernment. The first line reads..."Discerning God's calling usually involves many attempts and failures." Boy isn't this one true!? It follows up in the first paragraph with a phrase I love - - "You're not in charge of water walking, Jesus is!" Sometimes we forget that HE is the one in charge and sometimes we attempt to make decisions for ourselves that we feel are best... but HE is the Father and only HE knows what is best for us. Are we going to always like what He has to say to us... no. Will what He wants for us be the easy path...Probably not, but we have to trust that He is in control and that He wants only what is best for us and if that means sacrifice and and a bit of difficulty in rearranging our mind-set, then so be it!

I have had some hard decisions to make - and some of them have been lately. I have finally come to terms with the fact that even though I am a type-A person I have to let it go. It is only when I can completely surrender to God and listen to His calling for my life that I know I can make the right decisions. I have learned that sometimes this involves taking a risk but it ALWAYS involves letting God work within me to give me the strength I need.

Matthew 14:28 says.."Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water."

'Knowing when to get out of the boat and step out onto the water doesn't call for courage, it calls for wisdom to ask the right questions, discernment to recognize the Master's voice and patience to wait 'till He says "Come!"'

segments taken from 'Your Word for you Today'