It is no longer just a good idea to develop a habit of spending time in prayer and preparation for our days... it is CRITICAL to the success of lives.
The following is my speech today at a women's luncheon. I was asked to share my vision for women of this county...
For seven years I served on staff at a local church full time. It was a dream come true for me as I was finally in a position where I was getting paid to do work that I REALLY REALLY loved to do. You see, I am a lover of people and I genuinely care about seeing people reach their highest potential. And what better place to use my gifts and talents in combination with my natural desire to help others grow. I was serving God. I was doing some great things. I was involved in the high calling of making a difference in the hearts and lives of other people. I was invested at a very deep level with Kingdom business, and it was fantastic. But I remember being asked a question in my 7th year of ministry by one of my office volunteers that would alter the course of my life in a pretty profound way. The question she asked me was this..
"When do you find time to do your quiet time with God?"
I have to admit that I was stopped right there in my tracks. How did she know? How could she possibly have known that it had been MONTHS... and I do mean MONTHS... since I could honestly say I was committed to a regular quiet time with God. Here I was fully immersed into full-time ministry working the hardest I had ever worked at anything in my entire life. I was working a minimum of 55 hours a week - not including the events I was serving in as a volunteer. I was attending meetings, facilitating meetings, organizing classes, conducting orientations and trainings, meeting with volunteers, managing an office, hosting events and providing direction for scores of volunteers serving in multiple areas of the church all while being a mom, wife and homemaker. To say I was busy is an understatement. I needed a calendar to keep track of my calendar.
And I'm not complaining. I truly loved every minute of it. I thrive on the busyness. I get the most accomplished when I am rushing headlong into a deadline. I enjoy the stress of the last minute race to fulfill a 3-page to do list. But what I didn't notice was that my life was WAY out of balance.
Oh the meetings and the community events and the classes... they were all really good things. I was RICHLY BLESSED to have been able to be a part of some amazing work with some pretty amazing people. But somewhere in the rushing and the hectic-ness of ministry, I had forgotten the most important aspect to the growth and success of the work I was doing. In my passion to serve God... I had... in essence, left Him out. This was His show... His production... and I had unknowingly and unpurposely left Him out. And it wasn't until my sweet friend asked me that question that I realized that some serious changes needed to happen in my life.
I think that many of you would agree with me when I say that balance in life is a hard thing. And let's face it - we, women, carry a heavy load these days. Many of us work full-time jobs outside of the home, we're involved in our communities, we serve in our churches, we volunteer at our local schools, we cook meals, we manage household finances, we clean toilets, we grocery shop, we organize the home calendar, we do dishes, we do laundry, we run errands, we remember birthdays, anniversaries, shop for Christmas presents, iron, vacuum, and take care of the pets... not to mention the other hats we wear - taxi cab driver, nurse, pharmacist, counselor, teacher... and somewhere in that chaos we're supposed to have time to be a loving wife, good friend and honorable, contributing society member.
I don't know about you - but even glancing over the list of the responsibilities us women have makes me exhausted! It's no wonder we're burned out... wasted... depleted of physical strength and stressed out to the point of seeking medical attention. It's no wonder divorce is on the rise, that anti-depression medication is being sought after by 1 in every 10 Americans... (having grown 400 percent between 1988 and 2008). It's no wonder we are tired and unbalanced. This is quite the juggling act we've become accustomed to.
But in all my experience of dealing with a full schedule, I've come to the understanding that I can NOT be the person God has called me to be without making time with Him the first and most important priority of my day. You see - I believe that somewhere in our translation of success and victory, we've become confused. In our evaluation of priorities we've become unbalanced. And as much as we desire to WIN in our professional life and in our home life, we have GOT to come to a place where we recognize our complete dependency on the Giver of life... the One in Whom all success is possible and graciously provided.
I truly believe that God's desire for us in regard to balance and priorities is more simple than we've made it out to be. I believe God's order of priorities for Christ-followers is this:
God first
then spouse, children, parents, extended family, brothers and sisters in Christ, and then the rest of the world.
But haven't we complicated this method? Haven't we made it all about us? Our children? The calendar? The next thing "to do"? The next race to the finish line?
And yet that is not what was intended for us.
Balance and priorities go hand and hand and so when I was asked to speak at this luncheon on my vision for women of Lenawee County it made best sense for me to speak on the one thing I have personally struggled with the most... balance and priorities.
And I wish I had a 3-step formula that would help all of us in our pursuit of order and balance - but I don't. I wish I could tell you that it's as simple as A-B-C... but that would not be accurate.
What I do know is that to obtain balance we must be willing to come to the end of ourselves... empty and prepared to be filled daily by God's power and strength.
I told someone recently that I would be quite pleased if I could simply add ONE more day to my current week - giving me just ONE extra day to get accomplished all that I need to get accomplished. Can you even imagine that? Asking for ONE MORE week day to an already jam-packed week? How insane does this sound? And it was in my complaining of needing one more day in my week that the thought crossed my mind... "And just WHAT would you do with that one more day?" Would I fill it up with more STUFF? Probably. Would I waste it worrying about the things I can't control? Perhaps. Just one more day. Just one more day.
John 10:10 says this, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Jesus came as the ultimate sacrifice that we might have a FULL life. Not a mediocre life. Not a life consisting of just getting by... but a FULL life. Some versions say an ABUNDANT life.
And "full" is not racing to the next thing. Attending the next meeting. Volunteering at one more sporting event. Full, in my opinion, is living the balanced life where God is the central component. Living the full, abundant life is yielding to God's order of priorities for His children. Living the full life is beginning each day with a confession of dependency to the one who grants us this one more day.
I read something recently that said, "What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"
WOW. Sadly, for some of us that wouldn't leave us with much.
I believe we are living in an amazing age where women are making a dynamic difference in the world. We are doctors, lawyers, teachers, scientists, marine biologists, chemists, bible study leaders, counselors, business owners, homemakers, nurses, interior decorators, pastors, web designers, chefs and accountants. And it doesn't matter which category you fall under - we have tremendous responsibility.
It is no longer just a good idea to develop a habit of spending time in prayer and preparation for our days... it is CRITICAL to the success of lives.
The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. The thief can be the thing that takes us away from our alone time with God. The thief can be the schedule that owns us. The thief can be those things that keep us from living the full life... the abundant life... that God desires for each of us to have. But Christ... He came to give us the full life... and I don't know about you - but that's the life that I want. The full life. The balanced life. The life centered around His goodness... and His mercy and His grace.
It has been said that we give the most attention to the things that we consider to be the most importance in our lives. And I believe that in order to live in the fullness and participate in the most important things of our lives, we must be willing to give our primary attention to the One from Whom all blessings flow from. To me - it is the KEY to living the balanced life.
And so I ask you the same question I was asked... ""When do you find time to do your quiet time with God?"
Maybe it's getting up an extra few minutes early in the morning.
Maybe it's turning the television off a half hour sooner at night.
Maybe it's sitting alone in your car on your lunch hour.
Maybe it's locking yourself in the bathroom with a sign taped to the door - Mom is unavailable for 15 minutes... do not disturb!
It is my prayer... my vision... for women of Lenawee County to recognize their full-potential in Christ. We CAN live the full life. We CAN make a difference in our community. We CAN change lives and we CAN leave a lasting legacy when God calls us home. We can do all things... only because it is Christ who gives us strength.
I urge you to call on Him. He is crazy about you and He longs to hear what You have to say! He's waiting to be the only strength you need to do all the amazing things you're going to do!
Press on women!! Press on!
Finding JOY in the JOurneY,
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