My journey to gratitude began with a simple book. This book. And it changed my life. A dare really. A dare to live fully right where I am. In the midst of pain... to be grateful. In the midst of sorrow... to be grateful. In the midst of tears and suffering... to be grateful. To feel genuine gratitude for everything regardless of how I feel. Regardless of my circumstances. To feel grateful is where joy is found. And it's when I'm on the hunt for those things that I'm grateful for that peace and joy can be most experienced.
I used to believe that being grateful was a feeling. To FEEL thankful or be FEEL grateful for something or someone. But I was wrong. Being grateful is a gift. It's an opportunity. It's not what I have to do - it's what I get to do. Being grateful is a privilege. It's a honor. Because the bottom line is this... if I waited until I FELT grateful, true gratitude might never come and therefore I most likely will be robbed of the joy Christ died for me to have! There is no joy to be had when you're ungrateful.
I could wait until I FELT like thanking God for the things He's blessed me with, but catch me on a bad day when everything is going wrong and I might allow bitterness and regret to seep in and take over. Studies have shown that the human body can only feel one emotion at a time. And if that is true - allowing ourselves to be bitter can only lead to selfishness, making no room for gratitude and thankfulness.
It's a challenge. That's why in Ann's book she calls it a DARE. The journey to JOY is not always easy. Being grateful in the midst of living in this war zone we call our world... our home... is not an easy task. But it's the only way we can receive and own pure joy.
Ann says in her book, "While I may not always feel joy, God asks me to give thanks in all things, because He knows that the FEELING of joy begins in the ACTION of thanksgiving."
The English Standard Version for Habakkuk 3:18 says this, "I will take joy." I love that. It doesn't say I will FEEL joy. It says I will TAKE joy. It's as if we're giving our order, "I'll take joy please." It's how each day should begin. I take joy. I will choose for joy to be mine. And I will pay for that joy with gratitude.
My personal journey to 1,000, which began with a dare... my challenge to NAME ONE THOUSAND things I am thankful for... is growing:
223.) The joy of praying for others
235.) Getting to pick Chloe up from school every day
239.) Good test results at the hospital
257.) A full To Do list and then checking off my progress
262.) Forgiveness and mercy from the Father
272.) An empty tomb!
275.) Gorgeous lavender lilacs sitting as a centerpiece on my kitchen table
280.) Grilled salmon
288.) Green lights when I'm running late
294.) Being a mom
298.) Having a husband who is committed, faithful and loves me unconditionally
305.) An unscheduled Saturday
318.) God's restoration through my weaknesses
320.) Deep bellyaching laughter
327.) Power restoration following a storm
330.) Hearing Chloe memorizing scriptures for school
338.) Watermelon
347.) Long visits with friends
352.) Healing
358.) Live worship
The count to 1,000 continues. I press on daily to find the beauty in everyday living. Why? Because I want to live fully. Because I choose Joy. Because I believe what Jesus said in John chapter 10, verse 10... "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." He didn't die for us to live mediocre lives... barely hanging on. He came so that we could have life ABUNDANTLY. And living with gratitude produces joy which in turn produces abundant lives. I want to experience the abundance. Don't you?
Giving thanks keeps our gaze on heaven.
Be thankful. Take joy. Find heaven.
Finding JOY in the JOurneY,
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