Habakkuk 3:18 (ESV)...
"I will take joy."
If you've been following the blog, you've probably read that I'm in the middle of one of the best books I've ever read. It's entitled One Thousand Gifts by Ann VosKamp. Ann was encouraged several years ago by her friend to begin listing things that she was grateful for. What started out as just another "list" to manage, turned out to be her life's quest for finding the beauty in all things. A "hunt" for beauty and gratitude as described by Ann herself. She admits that first it was the dare that kept her going. But slowly, that dare turned into discipline and so it was because of that, the list went from "documenting 100 things I'm grateful for" to 200... to 500... to 700... to 1,000... and beyond. And is it ever ending? I don't believe it can be. When the list stops, does that somehow, then, signify an end to our gratefulness? Can it? I certainly hope not.
And so... inspired by the challenge set before me on the pages of this life-changing book, I've begun my quest for gratitude. All things beautiful.
And what have I learned so far? So much!
- That being grateful leaves little room for feeling frustrated.
Like last night. A night of chores. A busy night. Oh - and trash night. It was and I had forgotten. As I emptied out the kitchen bags - trash came toppling out. All over the floor. In every direction. And then I felt it. The familiar feeling of frustration... mounting high. Temperature elevated. I needed someone to blame. Was it the small hands that piled trash high in a bag that was already overflowing? Probably. Hadn't I already warned that this would happen and NOT to do it? Perhaps.... several times over. But what good did getting mad do? What right did I have to allow my frustrations to turn to anger? Slowly stepping back from the mess I remember. Eucharisteo. Charis (grace). Eucharisteo (thanksgiving). Chara (joy). A triplet of stars. Give THANKS for the moment. This is what brings joy. Think thanksgiving and you have no reason to feel anything other than joy. In the moment. I step back - - breathe deeply. And I choose joy. I choose to be thankful. Thankful that I have a family to even make a mess! Thankful to have a home in which to make the mess in! I am... grateful... and gratitude trumps resentment. It just does.
As Ann expresses in her book, "Feel thanks and it's absolutely impossible to feel angry. We can only experience one emotion at a time. And we get to choose - which emotion do we want to feel?"
I choose thankfulness.
I began this morning during my quiet time, adding to my gratitude list, the mornings simple blessings. They're simple really. Or are they?
- An Alarm clock that works.
- A little girl who is happy and easy to get out of bed for school.
- Bagels with cream cheese. One left! Praise God!
- A washing machine that works!
- A dishwasher that cleans dishes.
- Running water.
- A warm shower.
- Hairspray.
- A healthy dog.
- A working phone.
- Internet.
- Conversations with family members.
- A warm bed.
- Clean sheets.
- Good eyesight to read.
- Beth Moore devotionals.
- Working vehicle.
- A text from the hubs.
- Safe travels to and from school.
- Sunshine.
Things that seems small... trite maybe. But they are blessings. That which I don't deserve.
Colossians 2:7 says, "Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done."
Naming gifts. That's what it's about. "Naming offers the gift of recognition" says Ann VosKamp. "In Naming that which is right before me, that which I'd otherwise miss, the invisible becomes visible." "Naming these moments may change the ugly names I call myself."
And again I read... "Life change comes when we receive life with thanks and ask for nothing to change."
A glimpse into my list... (I'm on # 92)
13.) Hugs
18.) Gentle rolls of thunder
34.) Date nights
53.) Corn on the Cob
62.) Bic Ultra Round Stic Grip pens... in blue
70.) The color burgundy
74.) A full gallon of milk
85.) Lunch dates with Chloe
Remembering to be grateful leaves little room for regret. Feeling thankful trumps feeling frustrated. But it takes work. It takes being intentional. And my biggest problem yet? Slowing down long enough to SEE what's here and now. Right in front of me. And being thankful in the moment. Choosing to SEE. Choosing to be thankful for whatever it is God has given me right now.
I choose gratitude. Will YOU too?
Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

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