Friday, April 29, 2011


Fear has set in this week.
It was a doctors visit. Just a visit. All of ten minutes and we walked out paralyzed with fear.

It happens, doesn't it? Sort of sneaks in on you when you're least expecting it.

I've prayed.
I've asked for peace.
I've asked for this fear to be removed.
And yet it remains.
I wake up... it's there.
I go to bed... it's there.

He's my husband. And I love him more than anything else or anyone else in this life. Yet what I know... deep down in my soul... is that no matter how much I love him, God loves him more. And what I've learned over the course of my life is that you can NOT out-love God. You just can't do it. He IS love. It's not just what he does - it's WHO He is. And I can't compete with that kind of love.

He loved him first. He loves him more.
He's not mine, Jesus... he is yours.
And I know that.
But even still it doesn't take away this fear. The anxiety. The dread.

And so I hold on. Tightly. To a God who loves me more than I could ever know.
I hold on. Tightly. To a God who knows about suffering the greatest loss a heart could know... the agonizing death of an only Son.
I hold on. Tightly. To a God who's grace and mercy extends as far as the east is from the west.
I hold on. Tightly. To a God who says, "Don't be afraid for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." (Is 41:10)
Oh how I hold on. With both hands. A firm grip.

I am loved.
My family is loved.
I am protected.
I am forgiven.
I am chosen.
I am strengthened.
I am victorious.
I am held.
I am carried.

Deuteronomy 31:8 says, "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord is the One who goes before you. HE WILL be with you; He will neither fail you or forsake you." (emphasis mine).

And so I choose to receive His promise. I choose to be thankful IN my circumstances.

"'For I know the plans I have for you' says the Lord, 'They are plans for good and not for disaster; to give you a future and a hope.'" (Jer 29:11)

"For I know" ... can I trust Him?
"The plans" ... His plans, not mine.
"Plans for good" ... His desires are to see good things happen in my life.
"Not for disaster" ... when we weep, He weeps.
"Hope" ... it's what I choose to hold on tightly to.

And so... I press on. There is still work to be done. Still thankfulness to be demonstrated. Love to be given.

Thank you, sweet Jesus, for THIS day. I will rejoice and be GLAD in IT!

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is God Calling You?

Moses was 80 years old when God called him out of a foreign land as a lonely, rejected shepherd, and on to bigger and better things. God revealed to Moses that he was sending him back to Canaan, but only after Moses spear-headed the charge rescuing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Odd story, I know, but God made a decision to appear to Moses in a burning bush.

Let me stop right there. A burning bush?

How scared do you think Moses was? There he was - tending his flock of sheep. Minding his own business. Satisfied with his life. Content. Perhaps even peaceful about where he was in his life. He was 80 years old. He was probably settled into his lifestyle. And then... one afternoon... everything changed. Everything changed.

The bible says that Moses was amazed (love that word) because the bush was engulfed in flames, but it didn't burn up.

I don't know about you - but if I went out to my backyard to tend to my dog and I witnessed a bush engulfed with flames but not burning up... I'd probably run for my life. I mean - I ask God for clarity and wisdom all the time... and to show me clearly His will for my life - but I've got to be honest with you here... I'm not sure I'd have stuck around long enough to discern if this sign was from God or not. I'd have been scared.

But thankfully Moses didn't run. Oh he might have been scared - but he didn't run. Instead the bible says in Exodus 3:4, "When the Lord saw that He had caught Moses' attention, God called to him from the bush, 'Moses, Moses!' 'Here I am!' Moses replied.'

Here I am! Don't miss that!

God goes on to explain to Moses that he's called him to a big task. Perhaps this was the opportunity of a lifetime. God saw the misery of the Israelites in Egypt. He heard their cries and was going to rescue them from slavery in this foreign land. And he was calling on Moses to go to Pharaoh to release God's people from suffering.

A big job. Why? A little back story (the cliffs notes version)...

Israelites were trapped in Egypt and were created as slaves.
Pharaoh was the king of Egypt.
Pharaoh instructed that all Hebrew sons born in Egypt be thrown into the Nile - only allowing the girls to live.
Moses was born as a Hebrew, hidden by his mother for 3 months.
She put Moses into the Nile in a basket - attempting to spare his life.
A daughter of Pharaoh found him and raised him as her own.
Moses lived a life of privilege with the Egyptians.
When Moses grew up he had a real heart for the Israelites and their mistreatment.
He witnessed an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew slave and he killed the Egyptian, burying his body in the sand.
Feeling badly for what he had done, and being threatened by the Pharaoh to be killed, he fled to Midian, built a new life with a wife and son.

And now God was appearing to Moses from a burning bush to ask him to do what? Quite possibly - the unthinkable. Go back to the land he fled, to fight with a new Pharaoh to release God's people from slavery.

I can just hear the confusion in Moses' voice when he says in Exodus 3:11, "But who am I to appear before Pharaoh? How can you expect me to lead the Israelites out?"

I like how Max Lucado describes this in his book, Cast of Characters... "Moses at 40 we like. But Moses at 80? No way. Too old. Too tired. Smells like a shepherd. Speaks like a foreigner. What impact could he have on Pharaoh? He's the wrong man for the job."

And I bet he thought so too.

As often times in the bible - the person God calls is first reluctant. But I like how God responds to Moses through Moses' uncertainty and doubt. He tells him, "I will be with you."

The story continues in Exodus, chapter 4, where we see Moses pleading with God, "Oh Lord, I'm not a good speaker. I never have been, and I'm not now. I'm clumsy with words." In verse 13 Moses begs, "Lord, please! Send someone else."

My commentary suggests that perhaps the reason Moses didn't want this particular assignment was because he had a speech impediment or that maybe all of his years in Midan made his Egyptian rusty. At any rate, he doubted his speaking ability - but God didn't. And as my commentary reads, "Perhaps what God desired was not eloquence or cleverness, but simplicity and directness - not the oily, false-compliment-dripping speech of a courtier, but the bluntness of a working man who hated oppression."

Have you ever been asked to do something that scares you to death? Takes you out (FAR out) of your comfort zone? Have you ever been asked to give your testimony or speak about something in front of a group of people and the idea of sitting in a dentist chair having your teeth drilled sounded far more enticing to you?

I've got to tell you that some of the BEST speeches I've heard in my life have come from unsuspecting speakers. Some of the most gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, life-altering stories have come from ordinary people filled with God's passion and purpose.

I was sitting in church a few Sunday's ago when a young man was invited to stand before the congregation to give his testimony. I could tell from the minute the boy arrived on the stage that he was nervous. Scared. Afraid. I can imagine the thoughts that were going through his mind when he began to tell his story, "Lord, why did I get up here to tell this story? I'm nobody special. I have no real gift in speaking." But as he left that podium that morning, there wasn't a dry-eye in the place. Was it his eloquence? No. Was it his well-crafted biography? No. Was it the music or the way the soft lighting hit the cross behind him on the stage or who his parents were or how much good he had done in his life? No, no, no and no. It was his sincerity. It was his authenticity. It was his willingness to step out of his comfort zone for the benefit of others who's lives might be touched by his transparency and openness.

I've heard a lot of speeches in my life. I've watched a lot of podcasts and I've been privy to a lot of rich talent, but I will NOT forget the audacity of a young man who didn't let fear of rejection, reputation or inadequacies stop him from answering the call of God.

When God called Moses to lead the people out of slavery in Egypt, He knew what He was doing. He called on Moses because he saw in Moses something Moses didn't even see! He saw a man who was faithful. Brave. Strong. Honest. He saw a man of integrity, who feared the Lord. Where Moses only saw PART of the picture (the HUGE request too big for one man to do alone), God saw the WHOLE picture.

I believe what Moses struggled with - we struggle with. Don't we?

It's that little voice inside our heads saying things like:

You'll never be good enough.
You're not smart enough.
They really could care less about you.
You don't have what it takes.

But I believe with all my heart that if God is calling you to do something - He's already equipped you with everything you need to make that something happen! Period. Our only job is to obey Him. Even if we don't understand it all. Even if we don't feel good. Even if we're scared. Even if we think someone else should go instead of us. Our only job is to obey. If (and when) He says to go, we must go.

The choice of obedience is up to us. Will our answer be, "Here I am Lord, send me."? I'm praying every day that I will continue to yield to Him and respond in obedience to His calling on my life.

Philippians 1:6 says, "God began a good work in you, and I am sure He will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes back again."

Here I am, send me!

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Trevor!

Today is my sweet hubby's birthday. I can't tell you how old he is... oh I might get hurt if I do. But I did want to share with you some of the reasons (in no particular order) he's still the love of life... after all these years.

1.) He is an amazing dad to our only daughter Chloe.
2.) He is the most selfLESS person I've ever met.
3.) He supports me.
4.) He encourages me.
5.) He's adventerous.
6.) He's gentle.
7.) He's kind.
8.) He (secretly) likes to shop.
9.) He serves others.
10.) He's generous.
11.) He's an animal lover.
12.) He sees me at my worst and loves me anyway.
13.) He forgives.
14.) He's a hard worker.
15.) He's a provider.
16.) He loves his mom.
17.) He's a family man.
18.) He's a good friend.
19.) He's loyal.
20.) He's trustworthy.
21.) He love's Jesus.
22.) He's a good listener.
23.) He's fun to cuddle with.
24.) He's dependable.
25.) He's fun.
26.) He doesn't take life too seriously.
27.) He likes to laugh.
28.) He's my best friend.
29.) He's smart.
30.) He's fair.

And here's what Chloe has to say about her daddy and the reasons she loves him (straight from her heart, and she DIDN'T see mine):

1.) He's considerate.
2.) He's kind.
3.) He's loving.
4.) He's giving.
5.) He likes to ride four-wheelers with me.
6.) He likes to watch NCIS with me (WHAT?)
7.) He's bright.
8.) He's encouraging.
9.) He likes pizza.
10.) He's the best daddy ever!

I love you, Trevor. And I am proud that you are my husband!

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Scripture Memory: April 15

Is it just me or has this month already FLOWN by??

Sweet friends - - how is your scripture memorization going??? I'd love to hear! Don't forget to comment here on the blog! I love hearing from you!

Here is my verse for April 15:

Romans 11:33 (NLT)
"Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!"

What's the verse YOU'VE chosen for April 15??

Remember - don't get discouraged. This memorization journey is not intended to frustrate or overwhelm you. It's intended to grow you closer to God through His word. If you find yourself needing to do a verse over again... then do it! There are no rules here. :)

I am praying for you!

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

Finding Joy Where You Are

You might be like me if you find yourself telling your child, "You can do anything you want!"

I've told Chloe that a time or two. And I have good intentions when I say it - but the bottom line is that perhaps she can't be anything she wants to be. But she can be anything God wants her to be. And I believe that with all my heart.

When she tells me that her dream is to become a famous singer I mean well when I say, "Then go for it! You can do anything you want to do!" But here's my honest translation:

"God has big plans for you Chloe! If you want to sing - make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Do the very best you can! If you don't make it famous - know one thing for sure... that you gave it your best for His glory. Find joy in doing what you love."

At the end of the day all I want for my child is to do the very best she can with whatever gifts she's been given. Maybe God didn't give her the best voice on the planet, but if she wants to sing and she has real passion that drives her to be the best she can be - I'm gonna be one proud mama! I want her to know that if God doesn't choose to use her musically, she can still find joy in doing whatever He's called her to do. My prayer for her daily is that she will fall in love with Jesus and find pure joy in her journey.

Isn't that then how our Heavenly Father is with us? He wants the best from us at whatever it is we're doing. Right now. In this moment. We have been called to do something in this season of life... He just asks that we do it unto the Lord, with all of our souls, with all of our minds and with all of our strength. I believe that's what makes Him proud.

Maybe God is calling us to do big things for Him. Perhaps He is asking us to go out and change the world. But maybe... just maybe... He's asking us to first find joy where He's placed us RIGHT NOW. Here in this moment, JOY can be found. Joy isn't ONLY found in this mission field, on a stage or traveling across the country. Joy is also in those small, quiet places that nobody else sees but you. Take what God has given you... blessed you with... and find joy in that.

Maybe that's changing diapers.
Maybe that's working a drive-thru window at McDonald's.
Maybe that's cleaning toilets.
Maybe that's homeschooling.
Maybe that's volunteering in your local church.
Maybe that's mowing yards.

Joy CAN be found in those places too. God is using you RIGHT where you are for this season in your life. And He's preparing you for greatness... you and I just have to learn how to be content with what's He's provided us with so that we're ready to accept the BIG challenges He's got in store for us later on.

I don't mean that we should stop dreaming big! Because what I know is that God has given us all the gifts and talents we need to do, precisely, the work He's called us to do. He has enabled us and if we are willing to GO, He will lead!

I love what John Wesley says, "Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can."

You might have to read that one again.

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

God wants our best. At whatever we do. Large or little. The significant things and those that seem insignificant. Luke 16:10 says, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much..."

Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, now. Take the little. Make it much. And watch God grow you like you've never dreamed possible!

Your story isn't over.. it's just beginning!

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Continued Journey In Gratitude

My gratitude journal has been one of the best things I've committed to doing in a long time. I find that it not only takes the focus off of me and onto God, but it gives me joy. Counting gifts. One by one. It's bringing joy in a truly remarkable way!

It's about seeing the world in a different way. Choosing to see beauty through the lens instead of ugly. It's teaching me that there is lovely in the unlovely... beauty in the brokenness, JOY in this journey.

Ah - the diligence of counting gifts. It's about commitment. It's a discipline that is teaching me how to look more like Jesus. It's turning my failures into fruit. I make my way back home... to Him... where I belong.

As told my author Ann Voskamp, "It's not the gifts that fulfill, but the holiness of the space. The God in it... this is supreme gift, time, God Himself framed in a moment."

God made everything. Everything is His.
And since God is love, shouldn't everything we see... everything we touch be seen as such? LOVE. BEAUTY.

My journey to 1,000... my challenge to NAME ONE THOUSAND things I am thankful for... is swelling:

113.) Train rides
118.) Laughter shared between friends
123.) School supply shopping
128.) Women who love Jesus
142.) Fresh, ripe purple grapes
147.) The book of James
153.) Selflessness
167.) Dinner on the deck in late spring
188.) Lazy, rainy Sunday afternoons with the windows open
197.) Pot roast cooking in the crock pot
205.) The sovereignty of God
209.) The power of prayer
214.) Feeling protected and defended

Psalm 50:23 says, "He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show Him the salvation of God." Thanksgiving is bringing honor to the Father and through that simple obedience of honoring God through acts of thankfulness we are allowing God to show us His fullest salvation in Christ.

The count to 1,000 continues. I press on daily to find the beauty in everyday living.

When it's hard to smile, when the pain is too unbearable, when the answer doesn't come, when forgiveness is not granted... stop. Count the blessings. See the miracles. They're there. We have to choose to see.

Mary Beth Chapman says it best in her book, Choosing To See (a story of the Chapman's journey of struggle and hope following the death of their young sweet daughter, Maria), "So God confirmed this truth yet again: I can choose to SEE His story, or I can miss it."

"When you SEE this, your heart will rejoice and you will flourish like the grass; the hand of the Lord will be made known." Isaiah 66:14 (ESV)

Let's not miss His story!

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm Scared

I have to admit something. I am scared.

It seems here lately I have an overwhelming laundry list of things I'm scared about. And I have to be honest... these fears have nearly consumed me.

I remember when Trevor and I were first married. I know I'm dating myself when I say this - but cell phones were still considered a fairly new and radical "luxury item" back then. In those days, a pager is how I communicated with my new husband.

At the time, he worked in Detroit and so his commute each day was about 3 hours! It was grueling and I used to tell him all the time I don't know how he did that for so many years!

It was nothing for him to tell me stories of car accidents he'd seen on his way to and from work every day. It was very common for him to be stuck in traffic due to a highway accident that had claimed a life of a loved one. He saw it all, and I heard it all.

I would prepare dinner and yet it was almost always a surprise as to what time he would arrive home to eat. His schedule varied and traffic was a big factor. I recall MANY nights when I would stand at our big picture window waiting for him to come home. PRAYING that God would keep him safe. I was scared. Really scared. I was consumed by my fear... and many times found myself sobbing at the thought of losing the one God had called me to love most in this world outside of my relationship with the Father. My fear, at times, literally paralyzed me.

And then I had to remind myself, again, that God was in control. He was ordering our steps and He was protecting and guiding. I had to give up the fear and anxiety before it made me physically ill.

I read recently that the phrase "Fear not" appears in the bible 365 times. Do you find that as interesting as I do? That God would choose to use those words in scripture as many times as there are days in a calendar year?

In fact, I heard recently that "Fear not" or a similar phrase such as "Do not be afraid" is one of the most commonly used phrases in all the bible.

Perhaps it's because God knew how much time we would spend worrying. Being afraid.

I love the line in my favorite movie of all times, Steel Magnolias where Julia Roberts is speaking to her mom, played by Sally Fields. Julia tells her mom, "I never worry because I know you're worried enough for the both of us."

Sound familiar?

I worry about all kinds of things. And I'm scared a lot.

Scared about those test results we're waiting on from the doctors office.
Scared about an upcoming surgery of a loved one.
Scared about the direction God is calling me to... can I do it?
... am I good enough?
... am I smart enough?
... am I talented enough?
Scared about my parenting ability.
Scared about being alone.
Scared about death and dying.

The list could go on an on.

I've heard it said many times before that, "God will not give you more than you can handle." I would push back on that and say, "Oh yes He does. And He will. But it's to teach us how to rely on Him more." We are foolish to think that we have any control over things that happen.

The bottom line is God is passionate about us and He longs to have a deep relationship with us. We have to come to Him broken and worn... with all of our fears and failures... and trust that He is going to overcome. He is bigger than our problems. He is bigger and better than the messes we're facing. He is stronger than the troubles that seem to be mounted up against us. When WE are weak - HE is strong.

My weakness is my fear. But God cannot change me... He cannot use me to make a significant difference for Him until I am willing to let go of that fear and release my worry at His feet.

Fear is the wedge that comes between me and the God who loves me and desires greatness for me. Fear is what keeps me from moving forward. Fear is the opposite of trust. I cannot say that I love God and trust that He's all-powerful, all-knowing, Redeemer, Healer and Holy, as long as I remain fearful, scared and worried. I must let go in order to fully live the life He intended for me.

The bible offers many beautiful pieces of scripture about worry and fear...

Isaiah 41:10... "Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."

Isaiah 44:8... "Do not tremble; do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim my purposes for you long ago?"

Matthew 10:31... "So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows."

And I LOVE 1 John 4:18 from The Message version... "God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us, so that we're free of worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is identical with Christ's. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love."

God is love. When He resides in us (takes up residency within our souls), we live in God and He lives in us. There is NO room for worry or fear in us since we are filled with His love and there is no fear formed in love.


Gives me a lot to think about.

There is NO room for fear and worry in my life as long as God has taken up residency in me and I allow Him full reign over me AND my circumstances. I just have to be willing to let love win.

Easier said than done, but I'm willing to give it a try.

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

Monday, April 04, 2011

Repentance Box

As we prepare for Easter... I wanted to do something a little different this year. Our traditions are pretty solid... you know - decorate eggs, Easter baskets, some scripture readings. But I was really longing for a little something more.

In an effort to make the most of this Easter season, our family has decided to try the Repentance Box. (The idea is NOT my own... I have seen them on many blogs recently.)

After all - Easter is what it's all about. It's our greatest reason to celebrate.

We have been forgiven.
We have been cleansed of our sin.
Jesus took our place on a cross.
The tomb is empty.

The Repentance Box is a way for us to confess our sins to the One who took the punishment that we deserved, but didn't have to suffer.

As a family, we will confess our sins by writing them on blank pieces of paper and will place them into the sealed box where they will not be seen by anyone. They will be our private confessions to God. Then... on Good Friday, we will burn the entire box and the contents as a visual reminder of the ultimate price that was paid for us. We will celebrate the freedom from slates wiped clean!

Here is our box...

John 10:11, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep."

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

Friday, April 01, 2011

Change Me

"Lord, change me."

Those can be tough words to say. They can be down right frightening, can't they?

"Lord, change me."

Hard stuff.

Because here's what I know. When you ask God to change you.. you'd better be prepared to change. Your heart better be fully yielded to make the serious changes necessary for God to mold and shape you into the person He created you to be.

I was having my quiet time the other morning as I regularly do, and something hit me. Like a ton of bricks really. (You know - God's only doing what I've asked Him to do. I'm not really smart, so I've asked Him to sort of HIT ME OVER THE HEAD when He wants to get my attention about something.)

I was actually in the middle of praying when these words came out and I HAD to stop and write them down in my journal. (BTW - if you don't have a prayer journal - you really ought to get one! You never know when God's going to speak to you and you need to be prepared to write it down.) :) I felt like God was telling me this...

It's one thing to say - "Lord, change me, mold me." But it's a whole 'nother thing to allow Him access into your life to make the necessary changes. His desire is to change us to look more like the Father, but we have to have the willingness to be used by Him to change our character. Our behavior has to change. Are you willing to yield to Him and then DO the hard work?

You know - I've never enjoyed gardening. Never. I wish I did. I love flowers and I truly admire the beautiful landscapes of so many of my dear friends' yards, but I am certainly unskilled in this area of my life. I'm envious of those with a green thumb. When God was creating me - He just didn't gift me with a skill for tending gardens. And listen folks - I'm no good with indoor plants either. Don't ever ask me to plant sit for you while you're on vacation. Don't do it - I will kill them. I either under water or over water and I've been told that both will destroy your beloved greenery. I"m just saying - I DON'T have the knack for it.

Don't get me wrong - I'd love to have those beautiful yards you see on HGTV. I ooh and ahh at them, but I'll be honest with you... it's just more work than I'm willing to invest in. I have other things to do. (Like stay inside and watch HGTV apparently.)

I have good intentions. Around about Mother's Day I make the trek to the nursery to pick out flowers for my pots. I LOVE the nursery's in the spring. Fresh, beautiful flowers... Daffodils, Tulips, Crocus. Oh, oh - and Gerbera Daisies are my favorite. (See - I KNOW the names of them even though I can't keep the darn things alive.) I love them all. And every spring I have good INTENTIONS on taking care of them and seeing them past June 21, it just never turns out for me.

But it dawned on me during my quiet time yesterday that it's because gardening is hard work. It requires patience, time, devotion. It requires getting out in the hot sun and getting your HANDS DIRTY.

I suppose we all have those "sayings" we tend to over-use on our children. Like, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out!" (Oh - okay... maybe I'm the only one who says that.) One of my favorite ones I use on Chloe all the time is, "Anything worth it is worth working hard for." And I've got to admit - yesterday I had to remind MYSELF about this one. It was as if God, Himself, was reminding me that anything worth it (even changing me) is worth working HARD FOR.


If you and I are serious about God using us to make a difference for Him and we are truly committed to making the changes necessary in order to look more like our Savior, then we have to willing to do the hard work.

We have to be committed to a daily quiet time.
We have to be committed to daily prayer time.
We have to be yielded to God's divine interruptions.
We have to love others the way that God loves us.
We have to forgive those who've hurt us.
We have to be a cheerful giver.
We have to serve others.
We have to love those who are unlovely.
We have to know we're loved and seek God's approval, not man's.
We have to be grateful for what we've been given and find JOY in that!
We have to have patience.
We have to respect and our spouses.
We have to honor our parents.
We have to learn to follow Him with complete obedience.
We have to submit to authority.
We have to relinquish our pride.
We have to die to self.

Some tough stuff. Maybe even painful. But worth it. A lifetime following Christ is always worth it.

Listen... Jesus knew what kind of person you and I were going to be and He knew every silly thing we were going to do before we did it... and He went to the cross anyway. Hard work? You bet!

Ezekiel 36:26 says, "And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart."

We have to be willing to do the hard stuff. If we want a beautiful garden, we have to be willing to get our hands dirty.

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,

Scripture Memory: April 1

No April Fooling today on The Journey! :) We are knee-deep in God's word!

By the way - is it just me or is it simply CRAZY that we are already in the 2nd quarter of 2011??? WOWzers!

Here is my verse for April 1:

Lamentations 3:22 (NLT)
"The unfailing love of the Lord never ends. By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction."

Your turn! What's the verse YOU'VE chosen for April 1??

Finding JOY in the JOurneY,