You might be like me if you find yourself telling your child, "You can do anything you want!"
I've told Chloe that a time or two. And I have good intentions when I say it - but the bottom line is that perhaps she can't be anything she wants to be. But she can be anything God wants her to be. And I believe that with all my heart.
When she tells me that her dream is to become a famous singer I mean well when I say, "Then go for it! You can do anything you want to do!" But here's my honest translation:
"God has big plans for you Chloe! If you want to sing - make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Do the very best you can! If you don't make it famous - know one thing for sure... that you gave it your best for His glory. Find joy in doing what you love."
At the end of the day all I want for my child is to do the very best she can with whatever gifts she's been given. Maybe God didn't give her the best voice on the planet, but if she wants to sing and she has real passion that drives her to be the best she can be - I'm gonna be one proud mama! I want her to know that if God doesn't choose to use her musically, she can still find joy in doing whatever He's called her to do. My prayer for her daily is that she will fall in love with Jesus and find pure joy in her journey.
Isn't that then how our Heavenly Father is with us? He wants the best from us at whatever it is we're doing. Right now. In this moment. We have been called to do something in this season of life... He just asks that we do it unto the Lord, with all of our souls, with all of our minds and with all of our strength. I believe that's what makes Him proud.
Maybe God is calling us to do big things for Him. Perhaps He is asking us to go out and change the world. But maybe... just maybe... He's asking us to first find joy where He's placed us RIGHT NOW. Here in this moment, JOY can be found. Joy isn't ONLY found in this mission field, on a stage or traveling across the country. Joy is also in those small, quiet places that nobody else sees but you. Take what God has given you... blessed you with... and find joy in that.
Maybe that's changing diapers.
Maybe that's working a drive-thru window at McDonald's.
Maybe that's cleaning toilets.
Maybe that's homeschooling.
Maybe that's volunteering in your local church.
Maybe that's mowing yards.
Joy CAN be found in those places too. God is using you RIGHT where you are for this season in your life. And He's preparing you for greatness... you and I just have to learn how to be content with what's He's provided us with so that we're ready to accept the BIG challenges He's got in store for us later on.
I don't mean that we should stop dreaming big! Because what I know is that God has given us all the gifts and talents we need to do, precisely, the work He's called us to do. He has enabled us and if we are willing to GO, He will lead!
I love what John Wesley says, "Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can."
You might have to read that one again.
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
God wants our best. At whatever we do. Large or little. The significant things and those that seem insignificant. Luke 16:10 says, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much..."
Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, now. Take the little. Make it much. And watch God grow you like you've never dreamed possible!
Your story isn't over.. it's just beginning!
Finding JOY in the JOurneY,
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