My church, Crossroads Community Church ,will be launching a brand new series beginning October 16th which will run for 6 weeks entitled, 'The Best Question Ever'. This series is based on the awesome book by Andy Stanley, The Best Question Ever. If you haven't read it - I encourage you to run (not walk) to the nearest bookstore and pick it up. Better yet - plan on visiting Crossroads on (or before) October 16th and check it out for yourself. You may have passed by our giant billboards recently and saw the big question mark sign. Yeah - that is us - that crazy church again! :) The website it a pretty cool sample of what's to come in the series.
Microsoft + AOL: Match made in merger heaven?
Bloggers reacted quickly this morning to news first reported in the New York Post that Time Warner is in "advanced discussions to sell a stake in America Online to Microsoft." Citing unnamed sources, Reuters ...
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