Last week was a rough week.
And it's still pretty rocky this week. We have lots of things, personally, that we are facing. Some unknown roads ahead. And it's a little scary.
I'd like to THANK those who have emailed, called, visited, made meals or sent kind words to us last week. They mean more to us than we could ever say. In a time of uncertainly, there is one thing I know for sure... we have been blessed with some pretty incredible family and friends! I can't imagine my life without you. Thank you for loving us!
Last Friday night I had an opportunity to chaperone a sleepover for my daughter's fifth grade class. Having won a reading contest in March against the boys, the girls got to choose a "reward" for their success. And anyone who knows 10 and 11 year-old girls well, knows that there could only be ONE reward... a slumber party. What made this sleepover unique is that it was AT THE SCHOOL. I will say that I had an awesome time! We ate pizza, played games, watched some of the Royal Wedding, told stories, went swimming, painted nails and listened to music. You know, GIRLIE stuff. I can't even say that I missed my sleep much even though we might have gotten three or four hours in. By the way - can anyone explain to me WHY we call them sleepover's when there's really NOT much sleep involved?
I learned something this past weekend. If you want a sure-fire way to escape from your troubles for a time, simply hang out with some fifth grade girls for a night! It's true. You can't NOT laugh. You can't NOT giggle. It's simply impossible. And if there's one thing I needed Friday night... it was time spent with girls who KNOW how to have fun! It was nice to escape from my reality for a while... to be in the moment with young ladies with pure hearts and genuine joy!
So I got to thinking. Perhaps the BEST way to alleviate the pain, the doubt, the frustration or the fear, is to REFOCUS. My one prayer that never changes is this, "Lord... fill me up with YOU. Rid myself of ME. Less of me, more of You!" So maybe, just maybe, this is what He's using to show me how to make this happen. It's in the refocusing. By shifting my focus from myself to OTHERS brings me closer to the Father. To look more like Jesus requires me to be more OTHERS focused. More mindful on the fact that we are ALL on this journey together. Battling... together. Experiencing loss... together. Wrestling with pain, anger, sadness and hurt... together.
Doing for others frees me up to love unselfishly. With pure motives and authenticity.
Doing for others makes me happy.
Doing for others reminds me that I'm not alone.
Doing for others gives me something to smile about, even when I don't feel like it.
Doing for others demonstrates love.
Doing for others allows me to let go of the hurt, even if it's for a while.
Doing for others generates positive energy that is contagious.
Doing for others helps me to forgive.
Doing for others is being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Doing for others offers hope.
Doing for others helps us focus on what really matters.
Doing for others brings peace.
And I want to be happy. I want joy. I want to know I'm not alone. I want to demonstrate love. I want my joy to be contagious. I want to forgive. I want to be the hands and feet of Christ. I want to show hope. I want peace.
So maybe the joy... the real, true, authentic, selfless joy... comes in doing for OTHERS.
Christ lived for OTHERS. He taught for OTHERS. He shared for OTHERS. He gave for OTHERS. And He died for OTHERS. Our greatest example comes from a man who sacrificed all He had for OTHERS. And pleased the Father most of all.
Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 10:24... "Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others." OTHERS focused.
And again in Galatians 6:2 Paul writes... "Share each other’s burdens..." OTHERS focused.
I love the way Acts 10:38 portrays Jesus by saying... "Then Jesus went around doing good." The message version says He was ready for action. LOVE that! OTHERS focused.
Jesus was about doing for others. And if I want to LOOK more like Jesus, this is ONE thing I have to fully understand and begin living out.
I thank God for the opportunities I have to reflect and refocus.
Less of me, Father, MORE of You!
Finding JOY in the JOurneY,
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