So - every year my sweet husband takes my daughter to the Adrian Parks and Rec Annual Daddy Daughter Dance. It's a wonderful tradition that we started in first grade and it's something special that Chloe looks forward to every year! The closer to Valentine's Day we get - the more excited she gets! I love it! I love everything about it. Picking out the dress, doing the nails and make-up, curling the hair, making sure everything is just perfect! I love that they go to dinner before hand and that he usually takes her to get a "special ice cream or slushie surprise" following.
Another favorite is "the kiss" pose that we get every year! :) I just LOVE the kiss pose! Here are the last 3 years of daddy-daughter kisses just before the big night!



These are my favorite people on the planet earth and I thank God for them daily! I pray that their special bond will carry over for years to come! Chloe loves her daddy so much and I am ONE PROUD MAMA and ONE BLESSED WIFE!
JOY in the
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