"But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." Hebrews 3:13
I love the new year. There's just something about it... it's like a fresh start, a do-over, a new beginning. Since I am a person who likes to set goals and measureables, make lists and seize the moment for change, the new year tends to be one of my favorite times of the year!
As 2010 was nearing an end, I began thinking through some of my "new year's resolutions.". I only have 2 main ones, but they're pretty challenging to say the least. I'm going to share one of them with you today.
I have a sticky note that I've place on my refrigerator to remind me of my commitment and help me to stay on track. It says... rather simply... WHO have you encouraged today?
As Christians, I believe the love we have for others ought to naturally flow out of the love we have for the Father. We have an amazing opportunity to lavishly pour out love and encouragement to others because of God's unfailing love for us. To allow ourselves to selfishly hoard that love and not freely give it away is robbing others from experiencing God's love, mercy and grace. By loving other and encouraging each other daily, we are being the hands and feet of Jesus. We are sharing Christ with others and we are pleasing our Father.
My goal for 2011, is to not let a day go by without encouraging someone. It doesn't have to huge. I've discovered that encouragement comes in all shapes and sizes. Encouragement could be...
Sending a card
Making a meal
Giving a ride
Paying a visit
Providing a hug
Sending flowers
Expressing how proud you are of an accomplishment
Baking cookies
Shoveling a driveway
Cleaning a house
Offering childcare
The possibilities for encouraging (and loving) one another are endless!
My prayer for my life is that I will be an encouragement to everyone I see. That my words would be uplifting and bring honor and glory to Him. That God would use me to be His hands and feet to a world that so desperately needs Him!
Finding JOY in the JOurneY,
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