I was thinking the other day about Christmas traditions. We all have them. And maybe some we aren't even aware of. Here are some of ours:
We always put out Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. Always. I can't even allow myself to compromise on this one. It simply MUST be up. Heck - it's hard enough for me to wait THAT long!
For years Chloe and I have gone out Thanksgiving weekend to pick out a new snow globe to add to her growing collection and a new tree ornament. It's been pretty fun to see some of the ones she's chosen over the years! One year it was a pink star, one year it was a cow sitting on a log and this year it was a light-up angel. :)
For the past few years Chloe and I have decorated a ginger bread house. It's a hoot to see! Frosting everywhere. Fun memories!
Throughout the month of December we read Christmas stories from various Christmas books we've collected over the years. Some include devotions, which are fun for Chloe.
We host a Cookie Baking Day with our friends the middle of December. This is an old tradition that my family used to do when my grandmother was alive and we just re-vamped it and included it in our new traditions last year. SO much fun!
This is a little silly - but growing up we had a Golden Retriever as our family pet. We (Trevor, Chloe and myself) now have one in our family. They are indeed our favorite little creatures. So - each year I purchase my mom a new Golden Retriever calendar for the new year. Silly tradition - but it's still a tradition, right?
On Christmas Eve, our family's tradition is to drive around town looking at all the Christmas lights. We LOVE to drive with the windows down, blankets tucked around our bodies warming up with a thermos of hot chocolate oohing and ahhing over the house and yard displays.
Every year, two days before Christmas, we bake and decorate a birthday cake for Jesus. During our families dinner on Christmas afternoon, we sing Happy Birthday to our Savior. What a sweet time this is!
Special notes...
We have five Christmas trees: Two in our living room, one in our entry way (Chloe's tree decorated with recycled Happy Meal toys), one in our master bedroom and one on our front porch.
I'm obsessed with snowmen!
Oh - and I DO start listening to Christmas music in mid November.
Stockings in our family have always been a BIG deal. They usually include a variety of candies, books, magazines, perfumes, lip glosses, gum and small pieces of jewelry wrapped and sitting alongside of the stocking demanding to be opened first. :)
Christmastime... for sure the MOST WONDERFUL time of the year!!
What are some of YOUR Christmas Traditions?? I would love to hear about them!
I am so happy to be part of your "new" tradition of the cookie bake. Truly one of the highlights of the season. I think a new tradition is shopping with a group of girlfriends, laughing and eating the day away! Of course,,,we can include the boys for dinner! After all....our money is gone by then and we need reinforcements! LOVE YA! Michele
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