After realizing that my current bottle was completely out, I began to panic a little bit. Superficial, I know, but my hair requires hairspray to look half way decent when I leave the house.
In a panic, I began searching the bathroom cupboards for perhaps an old bottle remaining somewhere. Anywhere. One was not to be found. UNTIL I reached my hand to the VERY back shelf and found a VERY OLD and DUSTY bottle of spray. Alas.. an answer to prayer! (Well - okay, I wasn't actually PRAYING I'd find a bottle of hairspray - but it did save me for a time.) :) It still worked and did the trick. I was grateful.
But then it got me thinking...
I wonder if that's how God feels sometimes. I mean... don't we tend to "put him on a shelf", tucked away neatly behind all the other junk in our cupboards, only pulling him out when we desperately NEED Him? We try it on our own... perhaps we try other things to help me, give us answers, make us feel better - only to discover that we really can't to it without Him.
I've been completely guilty of this! There have times in my life when I've felt myself saying, "God, I've got this, why don't you go ahead and sit this one out." And so - I put Him on that shelf... way in the back... and try to do life my own way. But here's the thing... it never works! I always find myself in that desperate place of needing Him.
Perhaps it's a crisis going on in your life... a cancer that was just discovered, an accident led to tragedy, a broken heart, a wounded spirit, an intolerable child, an angry spouse, an opportunity missed, a friendship broken, a marriage crushed. I believe God's waiting for us to discover our EVERY DAY dependency on Him. I believe God's saying, "I GOT THIS... you can go ahead and sit this one out!"
We were NOT meant to do this thing called life alone! He's just a prayer away and longing for us to reach out for Him. Will we continue to put him on the shelf, in the back of the cupboard or will we allow Him to work in our lives every day?
He's got this, friend, He's got this!
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