Monday, August 18, 2008

The Lead of Love

The other day I was sharing my story with someone who had some questions about the my life's journey. During the course of the conversation, I found myself, several times, saying, "looking back I see God's fingerprints all over my life!"

The person I was talking with was questioning this... asking, "What do you mean by 'God's fingerprints'?" And so I continued with story after story about the times God had me in just the right place at just the right moment and how His love has been so evident in this journey of mine.

I decided to post some of these "Fingerprints of God" in my life...

~ The time I was in a severe car accident that should have ended my life. I shaved the side of a tree with my car. An onlooker would later recall the incident as "amazing"... "like someone "lifted your car and moved it right out of the path that was leading directly into a tree!" No - that was God' fingerprints.

~ Blessing me with a wonderful man in which to share my life with. Someone who is not only my husband, but my best friend. Someone to laugh with, cry with and love. God's fingerprints.

~ The love and support I received from friends and family following the death of my best friend my freshmen year of college and the lessons learned about God's grace and mercy even in times of great sorrow. God's fingerprints.

~ For God's perfect timing on the conception and birth of my daughter, Chloe. I waited and waited to have her - begging God for a baby in my timing. I learned that only His time is the perfect time. God's fingerprints.

~ For giving me special friends and mentors who aren't afraid to speak truth into my life - even when it hurts - because they care about me that much. God's fingerprints.

~ For a sprained ankle back in 2005 that kept me down and out for close to 3 weeks because God needed to get my attention and tell me to slow down! I slowed down and was able to really hear God during that time. God's fingerprints.

I could go on and on about the times in which God was leading in my life. Times that I can look back on and see Him at work and it's absolutely amazing!

I love the song by Caedmon's Call entitled, "Lead of Love".... Enjoy it!

A man is more than the sum of his deeds!
Thank you, God, for your lead of love!