Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Always in a Hurry!

Do you notice that everywhere you go now adays, everyone is in a BIG HURRY? It simply amazes me. I see people in lines at grocery stores and they actually look like they are in competetion with one another. I will admit - I am a little like that - but when you stop to think about it - why are we always in such a mad rush anyway? What is it inside of us that causes us to go go go - - get to the finish line? I am not competetive by nature AT ALL, so for me, this part I just don't get. One of my goals is to slow down a bit. Take time to "smell the flowers". I don't want to rush through my days so quickly that I miss all the wonders of the day - like the colors of the fall leaves or the smell of the rain outside or the beautiful sunset. I can't remember the last time I just stopped and listened to the sounds around me - and I don't mean the television set! I mean - the birds and the wind and the rustling of the leaves falling from the trees. I want to take time to listen to my daughters laughter and the praise songs she learns from school (even though she pronounces most of the words incorrectly!) I want to ask people about their days and really listen to them. I want to drive for a day with the music OFF so that I can think about all of things I am grateful for - like the car I have to drive me to work each morning - with heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. These are the things I want to pay close attention to and if I am hurrying - I will miss all of this.

"Be still and know that I am God."



Hi people
I do not know what to give for Christmas of the to friends, advise something ....


Hello. Good day
Who listens to what music?
I Love songs Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton


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