For the past several months, we have been talking to our 5-year-old daughter, Chloe, about what it means to be a Christian. She has had some really fascinating adult-like questions and at times, it has been a real challenge. You really have to put yourself in the shoes of a 5-year-old and be very strategic about the way you answer - in a way she can really understand. Well - last weekend we were preparing our Sunday afternoon meal together. We were making tacos and she was pretending to help me cut up the lettuce. Totally out of the blue she said to me "Mommy, I forgot to tell you what I did at last week... I asked Jesus to come inside my heart!" I don't think I will ever forget those words and how sweet they sounded coming from my Chloe! As a parent, I cannot think of a more proud moment than that. I immediately dropped everything, as did my husband, and began asking her more questions... "Where did you do this, honey, when, how...?" She sweetly explained that she had been out on the playground at recess and was playing on the grass by herself and it reminded her of being on her knees praying so she simply asked Jesus to come live inside her heart! I can't explain the joy I felt listening to her explain about this decision to me and what a thrill it was to rejoice with her and to celebrate God's presence in her life! "She gets it!" I kept saying to myself - - SHE GETS IT! Often times we underestimate the depth of her understanding. Her mind had been absorbing more than we were giving her credit. We are so looking forward to seeing all God has in store for her life!