Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lord... hear our cries

Our family, along with thousands of other families throughout Lenawee County and surrounding cities, has been praying diligently for the three missing boys from Morenci. We have had our eyes and ears glued to the news hoping and praying for a report that these little guys have been recovered. We have been praying against all hope as the latest news reports suggest that what happened to these young, beautiful life-filled boys is nothing more than profoundly tragic.

During the last 5 days my thoughts have turned to my own family. My daughter Chloe. My husband Trevor. Tucking my sweet little one into her own warm bed at night has had more significance. Dropping her off to school in the morning has had a little different feel to it. Perhaps my embraces have been tighter. Maybe I've stared a little longer into her eyes and Lord knows I've prayed a little extra for her lately... for protection, for guidance and for a deep relationship with Jesus.

But... as a believer I know that regardless of the outcome - God is still GOOD and He is still in control! He still has a plan and purpose for that family and whether we choose to believe it now or not... He is working all things together in accordance with His will.

We may not understand this side of heaven the answer to that one single question... "Why?" but maybe, just maybe, we weren't meant to know. Just yet.

Jesus knows a little... no... a LOT about suffering. He's felt more anguish than anyone should ever know - and I believe when we grieve... He also grieves.

Let's continue lifting these little ones up in prayer. Let's pray for peace, comfort and protection for their families and for the rescue workers serving so selflessly to put and end to this tragedy.

But let's not forget to Praise Him in this storm. For He is who He is no matter where we are or what we are going through.

Ephesians 1:11b "...He makes everything work out according to His plan."